Tomás y Otelo: Una Historia de Amistad Gatuna follows a very grumpy cat and the chipper and annoying kitten that wins over its heart.
– 2018 Judge's Choice Runner-Up for the Write Michigan Short Story Contest
Amalgam is a short story that follows four Mexican immigrants residing in Philadelphia whose commonality is their love for food with a taste of home.
– The Best Short Stories of Philadelphia | Toho Publishing 2021
Frida is a short story about a cat’s sixth sense, relationships and heartbreak =^..^=
— LatineLit | English version
— Somos en Escrito | En español
Don’t Guilt Me Into Erasing My Feelings
– COVID-19 Community Stories of the Grand Rapids Public Museum Collections
Multilingual Children for Money or For Love
Immigration: Terminology of Life-Building in the U.S.
Soy una leyenda
You Too? Your girlfriend talks about the grief of miscarriage (and what may come afterwards)
Barely Inhabited
Perfect Fragment of Life
—West Chester University’s Daedalus Literary Magazine | 48th Edition | Spring 2020